Saturday, January 09, 2010

My Saturday is pretty much done for, at least the productive part is, and I didn't get one of the big things off of my to do list thanks to spending yet more time digging out the driveway. So this morning at 6:30 the township decided to ticket myself and my tenant. I'm assuming for our tires being out in the street. Now, remember, they are the ones that keep plowing me in! Asses. Needless to say, if I will either stop to make the payment and provide them some additional details or I will be writing a strongly worded letter to accompany my payment.

I tried getting the tib out again but just got it further stuck down in towards the house. So there is no regaining space that it is taking up for parking. Gratefully, before the snowblower started making an awful sound I got enough space cleared at the top of the driveway to pull the durango down there and clear up the rest of the space for the tenant. So yea, I think the blower is broken again, and it isn't a shear pin this time. I'll look at it more once the crap melts out of it.

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