Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ahh Saturday in a warm bed. I have a lot I should be doing today, but instead I'm lounging and intermittently heading downstairs to tend to laundry. Alas, I ran out of photo corners while at mom's so I have to brave Walmart or go to Michaels at some point to keep plugging away at the super secret Christmas gift. The cold weather is finally setting in around here, which slows me down a bit too. I need to find some motivation!

Thanksgiving went well. Mom was feeling spunky and I of course grubbed away. The girls and I enjoyed the visit and I made good progress on the aforementioned gift. Friday I headed back just in time to catch up with an old swim team friend from high school before the hockey game. Loaded up on a peppermint mocha I had more stomachy issues last night, I don't know what my recent issues are coming from.

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