Thursday, October 01, 2009

We focused our pre-cruise boarding morning along Las Ramblas taking in the performers and sites. Thanks to some of the recommendations I found during my research we experienced what I think was not only the absolute best cup of coffee I've had in my life, but also a delightful pastry called a xixo at Pintoxo in Mercat de Sant Joseph. The market was amazing, we spent a good chunk of time just taking in the hams, other scary parts of meat, fresh fruit, and other fresh items.

After quite the challenge dragging our luggage through the metro system (stairs... oy) we got to the pier around 4:30. Now, the ship wasn't to sail until 7 and our paperwork said all aboard was 60 minutes prior to sailing, but they were already taking down signs when we headed aboard!

Our room was a bit larger and more comfortable than what I was expecting. Perhaps I have been trained to expect less due to some of the older/smaller ships I've sailed. She is in the same class as Serenade, the ship my mother and I took to Hawaii so many years ago.

We lucked out with our stateroom attendant, Wendy, and waiter, Anabelle, who were both superbly on their game and personable. We were shocked to see a welcome aboard show that featured more than the standard fluff and spank inforama, instead they featured a circ de soleil act which was just amazing to watch.

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