Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Ok, it's near 11 and TECHNICALLY I am still working... I need not say I am not thrilled about it, so instead I'll catch you up on what I neglected to post about: hanging with the Law's and how proud I am of my baby girl.

First, the other day I got to have christmas with the Laws and some incredibly good grub. Heaven knows I am not a sammie person, I don't know why I would EVER be surprised that something Angela would make would be so friggin good, but she never ceases to amaze. I've gotten the recipe for both the sammie and the soup, but I am sure it'll never be that good coming out of one of my pots. I also left there w/ a bottle of port which on one hand I can't wait to try but on the other hand I want to save it for something special. So give me a good reason people.

As to the baby girl - despite my long hours today IN the office I came home to no accidents from anyone. Duty calls. Wake me when the week is over?

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