Sunday, October 05, 2008

So, yea, I woke up at 7 yesterday and was back in bed by 2am... I then slept to 10am and got up and attempted to hit a practice that didn't happen. Talk about starting the day off with a grump. I managed to get a few things accomplished like the a posting for my class and another assessment, as well as my routine sunday shopping run during which I found replacements for the lumpy couch pillows. I also found a good gift for Christmas today, one of those single buys to cover someone entirely. From there I headed off to a surprise birthday party and enjoyed some quality chat.

You know, once again there is a guy who is just an oddity - seems perfect on paper, but also seems a bit wishy washy. Eh, I probably shouldn't even look in that direction, not only does he break several of the main molds I would form to create the perfect man, but he is not likely to be unlike many of the others I find myself attracted to.

Regardless, I did my best to cheer myself up today and was doing pretty darn good until mum drug me back down quickly in a telephone call. I don't know why we have to talk about stuff I cannot control and things that are said and done. All it does is upset me. Let's just let done be done.

I've also made myself proud by saying no multiple times. I am tired of being at beck and call for people that only see fit to meet their own desires for companionship. I guess it is easier to do after how angry and shunned I felt last week. The distance, physical and emotional, makes it all the more easy. Oh, and as to attempting to heal some old wounds, I've reached out - I've tried to be the friend but have had my extended olive branch met with silence.

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