Saturday, June 02, 2007

It is another pseudo-long weekend. I can accomplish this either by goingn out super late on Friday night or sleeping like crazy. This weekend I went with the later crawling into bed fairly early last night. One one of my brief wake-ups to let Vix out I ended up outside checking out a young crow that appears to have come out of a nest in one of the back trees. He hopped about the side yard trying to learn how to use his wings a bit and paused for a while to lift his head to me looking for food, so I ran back in to get him a nibble.

The other thing the early to bed plan achieved was an early to rise, which got me to the drivers license center nice and early, before Slips got to town. Three attempts despite styled hair and makeup and my photo is still awful. At least it's better than the old one. Let me tell the tale of this old guy who was also getting a new photo. I don't believe in blindly stripping licenses away from people at a certain age, but they seriously should be retested, and this guy is proof. Not only could he barely walk, even with his cane, but he didn't seem to hear much the woman said or have a basic awareness of his surroundings. Using the two buttons to make the selections related to voter registration and organ donorship was a story all of its own.

Caught up w/ Slips and Beff for lunch and then Slips and I headed to Pirates III. It was good, but it would have been nice to re-watch II before going back into this one. Spoiler alert: Just tell me this, how are they going to work a fourth flick out of Will and Elizabeth having a rugrat? Could they have at least TRIED to make the two of them look like they aged the 10 years they claim passed? If you saw the flick and don't know what the hell I'm talking about you clearly didn't wait until after the credits. Now, how to blow the rest of my weekend?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I said the same thing about Elizabeth aging...but another spoiler alert, Will is dead so he will not age any longer...yes Elizabeth should have looked a little older than 21 :)

~ Beff