Thursday, May 03, 2007

Jon Stewart disappointed me... he said "irregardless". That is so my pet peeve (non-)word. It's funny how respect and thus lending to the perception of intelligence is tied to the choice of words at times. I know I'm not the most eloquent but I'm learning how much snobbery rubbed off on me through the years.

I finished grading the last assignment... I'm down to wrapping up my final and grading theirs (when it comes in). I can almost smell the salty air. Sweet sweet Bahamian beaches here I come.

Ok, time to get working. Seems that I get to work on resolving issues with SQL Injection that resulted in a legacy site I maintain the content since it got haXXored. Boo.

1 comment:

Me said...

One day, I'm going to change my name to ; Drop Databse; to see the kind of havoc it causes