Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Chiefs win their first home game against the Pensacola Ice Pilots 5-2 - Roche gets the first three goals for a natural hat trick, the new third jerseys look great, Anzalone gets his 300th win in the ECHL. Congrats all around.

I've entered the sleeping phase once again snagging a solid 12 hours friday night and 10 last night. Hopefully I'm caught up enough to get through another couple of weeks of getting things done. In addition to all of the classwork to tackle I have to start thinking pumpkins. I really need to find a cheap place to buy a ton. I think I'm going to go brew a pot of coffee first.

In doing the "do you know..." type of talk at the game I pulled in a little bit more information of old confirming a rather nasty story I had heard many moons ago. So, when you know someone who conveniently quits their job to raise their youngest child in the midst of potential lawsuits at work, you have every reason to be a bit more curious. They probably are boinking their boss and part of the reason the lawsuit was coming about. It's a real shame too, since their husband is an exceedingly nice guy. I guess it only stands to reason someone that would behave in such a way, with such little regard for marriage, would be more than eager to encourage their children to run off from their marriages for whatever tickles their fancy. If the trailer fits, live in it. Oh, and ... nice parenting.

On a separate note, someone please say a prayer for me to get over some of this hatred that manifested from a huge chunk of jealousy. I've so got to shed it.

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