Friday, September 01, 2006

I hauled out of bed at 6am, well two minutes before the alarm as I predicted, and headed to Stahlstown. I am lucky I didn't have the Durango, for I fear I would have plastered a deer. You see, large vehicle... harder to stop. Never mind that I'm not use to pushing that hard anymore and the brakes are getting replaced on the 12th.

I continue to try and ease my stomach which is either upset from my plans being tossed into upheaval, trying to fend off whatever sickness is circulating here, or the airborne stuff I drank last night didn't sit well with my GI in general.

I had the strangest and most vivid dreams last night, one where I woke up, I know I was up but I hadn't figured out that it wasn't real yet for a second or two. I guess we'll see if they were a premonition or my own personal insanity and paranoia in a week or so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It's got to be... so, I'll order you a red cap and a Speedo."

Dag nabbit, where is the blog entry? I feel cheated...

Remind me never to vouch for folks again...

"Klaus, meet my probably son."