Thursday, March 09, 2006

Last evening produced a bit of a scare as I came home to find Satin acting a bit drunk and having a hard time walking. It definitely was not a seizure as her eyes were clear and she seems quite distant while seizing or coming out of a seizure. By the time we got to the vet and finished putting in our waiting room time (can't complain, at least they're willing to squeeze us in) she seemed to be walking much better. After a nice long listen, Dr. S is now hearing an arrhythmia. Very disheartening, especially given how much happier and perkier Satin has seemed in the past week or so.

We headed home and she was moving about quite well again, she ate her dinner and even ate another can of food this morning. I have to wonder if she wasn't just a bit sore from laying around and that didn't help her out. Needless to say, today, I'll be heading home over lunch to check in on her.

I also managed to catch up a little with Mithy last night. It was good to get to smile and not wallow in any fear over Satin. I think I had the best wings I've had at the Orchard in a very long time, and I remained vigillent in my no alcohol stance.

Today starts my class midterm. So if I go into hiding for any reason you know why. Keep your fingers crossed that I can pull this one off with some level of grace and not want to hurt someone in the process. Three more classes after this one, that's all I can keep telling myself - one class/day at a time.

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