Sunday, May 01, 2005

Finals, and banquets, and music oh my! Today was one heck of a busy day. I hauled into work on a Saturday to try and create a focus in order to complete my final, which I had requested to take earlier in the day due to other previous evening engagements.

I managed to truck through it in 2 1/2 hours out of the alloted 3 1/2 hours. Of course there were a few questions I simply could not get the right answer too... once I deemed myself to be banging my head against the keyboard needlessly I went ahead and submitted the final. The worst thing on multiple choice and true/false tests is one-word changes. I always wonder if I'm going to have to defend my answer over the use of a single word or phrasing in the question.

To reward myself and unwind I wandered through a couple stores procuring a few things, including a gift for a special buddy with a big event coming up. I had to laugh out loud while shopping as the intercomm came on in the store looking for an individual with the last name Riblet. I don't know why we, so long ago, took to nicknaming our friends after pork products (riblet, porkchop, I guess gravy leg would fit in this category too).

The bowling banquet was nice enough, hey it's free food technically. I even won a door prize... and I never win anything! I needed a new bowling bag anyhow. From there on to the Haven. Gratefully I'm done with my antibiotics and I could appease my booze craving. Plus I got to sit and listen to the Rain, who hasn't been out playing in quite some time. It was great to see Cubeta and Terri as well as some other folks that I haven't seen in a while. Ok, sleep good at this point. Hopefully I'll get my butt out of bed in time for church tomorrow morning.

"What you waiting for? Take a chance you stupid ho! -Gwen Stefani"

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