Thursday, May 06, 2004

Amusement. I find great pleasure out of seeing people who claim to loathe me, people who make comments like calling me a whore etc etc that then turn around and begin to mimic me (and my blog). *smile* But since these individuals are most familiar with the talk of the petty, let me put things into a language which you might understand.

See honey, just because you attempt to follow in my footsteps doesn't mean you'll get to see what I've seen, do what I've done, or have what I've had. Let's dumb this down. If I had a piece of Godiva chocolate and showed it you, but you had never tasted Godiva chocolate you might think "mmm, chocolate" and mayhaps your mouth might water at the thought of devouring that piece of candy, but really what have you to talk about with regard to the Godiva chocolate? Nothing other than your presupposition as to how chocolate may normally taste. Now... if you had HAD Godiva before that's a whole other story, right? Because you can detail how far superior Godiva is over Hershey's chocolate.

Ok girls, I guess you get my point. *blink blink* Besides, I don't think ya'll need another candybar.

And... just for you...
"You don't really wanna f*ck w/ me. -Dr. Dre et al."

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