Saturday, June 29, 2024

Well dang it.  That's what I get for being motivated and trying to cross what should have been a 10 minute task off of my to do list.  I have needed to clean my dryer vent for a VERY long time.  Today, I busted out the tool I purchased and got to it.  Suffice it to say I made it worse.  The end of the vent cleaner popped off and is now somewhere along the vent under Avery's bedroom.

I guess I'm not finishing laundry today.  Trying to find a handyman around here is a difficult task.  This is compounded by the extreme number of scammers that post vent cleaning services on facebook.  Anyone miss having actual phone books to try and find legit businesses?  I've left 4 or 5 messages and sent a few texts/fb messages.

I guess the good news is I could find someone reliable and start getting some of the other things on my to do list addressed around here.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Progress!  Within 24 hours of calling my insurance and requesting their engagement I have already gotten a few calls and their claims estimator was here before 9am today.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

This is one of those things I didn't want to learn about... let's talk about Pennsylvania's laws surrounding car accidents.  Apparently, not bothering to call the insurance back is a viable strategy... that's what I'm seeing.  If they don't respond they might lose their insurance, but if fault cannot be established then Pennsylvania treats it as no fault.  What does that mean?  It means I'm f'd and get to pay my deductible.  It also means that because I don't have rental coverage, I get to go without a car while repairs are going on or I get to pay for that too.

I strongly encourage you to not be at the wrong place at the wrong time when someone decides they want to abruptly be in your lane - 0/10

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Let's talk about the garden.  Most everything survived the crazy hot temps while I was gone.  There was one pot of potatoes that I harvested as the plant all died away, getting way less than we should have, but still more than what was seeded.  The basil tried to flower while I was gone - as did a few of the turnips... but when I pulled the turnips most of them didn't create much of a bulb.  *shrug*

I have several sweet 100 tomatoes starting to change color.  There was a single solitary snap pea ready to be plucked and others soon to follow.  Many other tomato plants launched and have gotten to a decent size with blossoms.  I finally have a decent stalk of lettuce, not much, but I could make a salad or two.  The cukes have a few started.  The wintered over cubanelle has several peppers of decent size at this point.  The other pepper plants are still relatively small and not starting to produce.

The cauliflower and broccoli is still a fail again this year.  The pumpkin seeds are flowering, but not developing.

What really grew while I was gone?  Weeds.  I filled a decent sized dog food bag full of weeds to put to the trash today.  I also dead headed my three rose bushes which were crazy blooming earlier this summer.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

We are back on dry land once again.  Avery headed out a week and a half ago - a sweet price allowed us to fly to Baltimore for our departure on Vision of the Seas for 9 nights.  With some advice from someone I know through work we sat on the right of the aircraft and had an interesting view of what remains of the Key bridge.  We were also careful to be on the port side of the ship to see the Dali as we sailed out of Baltimore (and a closer view of one side of the remains of the Key bridge.

Our sailing took us to... Bermuda (overnight, but still a relatively short stop having arrived around 2pm and leaving by 1pm the next day). Here Avery and I went to Warwick Long Bay/Jobson's Cove - my favorite pink sand as it is much more less touristy than Horseshoe.  We then rode the bus the rest of the way into Hamilton and took the Ferry back to King's Wharf.  On Sunday morning we rode with another passenger to attend mass at St Joseph's, the oldest Catholic church in Bermuda.

I had wanted to go out right in King's Wharf after church, but I had gone down in the middle of the night prior from both ends.  I feel I was food poisoned, but others kept pushing the idea of Noro.  Frankly, given how it presented and how quickly it passed (better after 24 hours) I still think it was food poisoning.  It was very overcast while we were in Bermuda and the seas were less than favorable for a few days (the Atlantic can be a bit finicky), so the temps stayed relatively dealable.

In Nassau Bahamas we got our first real taste of heat.  Again a relatively short stop.  This was my first time there since they made extensive renovations to the pier area.  We ran outside of the protected area long enough for some power shopping before we returned to meet our tour - where we boarded a pirate ship - one that Avery took over as Captain on after a mutiny.  I was very pleasantly surprised by this excursion, it was better than I expected.

Finally, we stopped in Cococay - which is always a delight.  There were passing rain storms, but a pretty darn nice day. Similar to our last visit, we stuck to the free water slides and the large pool.

This itinerary gave us several days at sea.  As I mentioned, several of those days were a bit rough, which means the rock wall and pool were closed at times. The final day had nice weather, but due to a poo accident the pool that allows the kids was closed.  Regardless, we had a wonderful, relaxing vacation.  Yes, the girl did get enough time on that rock wall to conquer the blue and orange paths.

The trip back was interesting.  I have never encountered so many Karens in one place.  Baltimore airport TSA is an interesting animal... still not as awful as Miami.  Glad to be home with the critters.  Churchie missed us a ton.  Barnabas admitted overnight he was happy we were back.  Jackson was meowing and happy to see us.  Zero didn't get worn our nearly enough at camp.  Saffy did ok and is resting back up.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

My dear readers would know that I had a frozen right shoulder a few years ago.  You would also know that I'm having some loss of flexibility and pain in my left shoulder for a while now.  The knees, they hurt.  I feel bloated and uncomfortable about 50% of the time anymore.   I'm tired more often than not, but I find myself often waking up in the middle of the night and again by 5 or 6am.  My sinuses are constantly swollen and basically close up at night so I am now snoring, which I never did, and also getting woken from this issue.  I'm emotional and anxiety ridden - if I didn't know better I would think it was PMS.  I'm forgetting things and disorganized lately, which is 100% not me.

Sure, I'm overweight and that is probably a lot of it.  I'm not the type of person who would dive into hormone replacement etc, but when I asked "at what point that is advantageous" at my recent doctor's appointment it was indicated as "not needed unless I was having problems" (after I noted that I haven't been having as many hot flashes as I was there for a while).

Ok.  I felt a little dismissed, but I took that answer.

In one of my favorite communities (The Why Files if you must know) the topic of testosterone replacement was going on in a chat - and basically how doctors were offering it to several of the men in the group because their levels were slightly lowered.

Now I'm a little pissed.  Seriously?  You don't feel like getting down and dirty as often as you used to and maybe don't feel like yourself and the medical establishment jumps to solve that for you.  I, frankly, feel like shit more often than not and I'm left to trying various approaches on my own to deal with various symptoms.

I am not a "wah, I am so oppressed" type of person.  But I will point you back to the long touted "signs of a heart attack" that rarely match the typical symptoms a woman feels under similar duress and say that our medicine isn't doing right by women.  Fact is, I bet my insurance wouldn't cover those types of treatments unless we hopped through all kinds of tests and met a ton of criteria.... but if I were a dude and wanted female hormones... this world is so f'd.

Monday, June 03, 2024

I should have given an update on our foster, Jackson.  He continues to want more and more attention and loves to receive pets.  He still does not want to be picked up, but this weekend he put a paw up on my lap.  I'm calling it progress!

I also should have updated on my car issues - I called my insurance last week to ask for their assistance nudging things along as I continue to receive radio silence from the other person's insurance company.

This weekend was a complete blur.  I did wrap up my day early on Friday, so I was able to get some light cleaning activities completed - I also started pulling materials to assess my readiness for upcoming vacations.

Saturday we went to a housewarming for a friend of my favorite egg - with a little bit of shopping on the way back.  Sunday we went to visit my favorite egg's parents - also with a little bit of shopping on the way there.  I also returned from their house with several tomato plants that are further along than mine are and some chives to add to my garden pots.

Trellis I ordered to provide the clingy plants (read pumpkins and cucumbers) some purchase has arrived, as has a new mailbox, so I have some work to do in the next few days.  I have fought with my mailbox since moving here.  The back access would always flop open.  I had glued it shut numerous times.  Well, now the front is flopping open.  I'm just going to replace the whole sha-bang so my mail can stay dry.

I pulled a few radishes from a pot a few days ago both to give space to other growth and, frankly, because they were plenty large.  I can't believe I harvested something before June!  I also took a pass plucking wild strawberries from the yard.  It's nice to know they are there and doing well (and there would be more if I didn't mow for a few weeks).

I continue to struggle to get lettuce, basil, and beets going right now.   Well, except for the volunteer lettuce that has decided to grow in other pots, but it isn't enough to give me full salads.