Thursday, May 16, 2024


As I tend to do lately, I ran out this morning to grab some groceries.  After I decided to grab some Starbucks.  Well, as I was leaving someone tried to switch lanes at the red light leaving the plaza into my car.  Fortunately, no one was hurt, no airbags were deployed, and she's drivable, but poor Serafina.  Of course there are mismatches with the individual, his license, the insurance, and the car -- this is probably going to be unpleasant.

My insurance company thinks it is likely I will have to file through them, but we're trying - so here I sit on hold for the insurance company provided.  Unfun.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Saffy's eye doesn't look horrific anymore, but you can tell there is a difference there.  Medication continues and she still otherwise seems to be herself, that is a blessing.  I got another Mother's day with her.  Anyone who doesn't believe in Momming or Dadding for the 4 legged kids can keep walking.  Is it different?  Yes, but my love for her is still quite strong.

Avery brought home a cute little hand decorated clay pot with a flower in it from school.  Her Daddy made sure that she had a card and tulips, and took us for Mexican and ice cream this evening - but only after I got myself a nice nap on the couch.  It was a good day.

Monday, May 06, 2024

The prognosis is depressing.  We got into the vet this morning.  The terramycin was a good action to have taken, but not one that changed our path.  I saw a tinge of red in the weeping/goo today - but it was less goo, so I had hoped for better.  Our vet is not an optimological specialist, but she indicated a corneal perforation - basically an eye rupture.

We could gone to emergency care as it would be a long time to get into specialists, but nothing would help her sight in the right eye at this point.  At nearly 16 1/2 and 34 lbs anything they would try to do would likely involve anesthesia which is just too much for her.  We will instead treat for pain (although she seems to be reasonably comfortable other than it being easy to tell she cannot see on that side) and inflammation, ensure we don't have infection, and allow for healing of the active issue.

What caused it is unknown - it could have been an injury (I'm thinking Zero being a doof and catching her with his teeth as he does on us sometimes) or bumping into something and honestly I'm hoping that's the case, because it could also be a growth behind the eye causing pressure.  Not the near mother's day gift I wanted.

I should also note that we learned that my brother's memorial will be happening on the 9th in Nevada.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

It's almost like she can read and saw me type that "Saffy was doing well". Today (go figure it's a Sunday) we woke to a very goopy eye.  Yesterday we noted her giving some hard blinks after stepping outside into the rain - definitely not showing any infection at that point.  Fortunately I have some terramycin here from the cat rescue, which I immediately deployed to get us through until tomorrow.  I will gladly replace with a full tube and this serves as a good reminder to keep what you can for critter first aid too.

Friday, May 03, 2024

Time continues to fly.  I think it is officially safe to put the tomatoes outside, so I can get them into larger pots this weekend (I hope).  Since my last post I have put in more potatoes, beets, lettuce, turnips, white onions, onion starters, asparagus, watermelon and pumpkin, and cukes.  Some things have sprouted quickly.  Other things I have already re-seeded once and don't seem to be taking off (like my beets and lettuce).  The broccoli and cauliflower have barely grown since moving them to the larger pots.  It's already so stinking hot out I don't have high hopes for them this year either.

Avery has another playdate tomorrow, so I need to get some cleaning done this afternoon/evening.  I really need to get back with a cleaning person to keep myself caught up.

Yesterday we celebrated Barnabas' first birthday (or at least the guestimate of when he was born).  I need to get some new good pictures of our foster, Jackson for his listing.  He has become much more comfortable.  Other than not wanting to be picked up he is lovey and enjoys me rubbing his belly.  I finally got a few of his nails trimmed, but he's reluctant (but gentle when I try) to let me trim the front.  Not to be left out of the conversation is Church, who has become more needy - inserting himself between me and the keyboard even as I write this.

Saffy is doing well.  She's had a few days where you can tell it hurts a bit to come up the stairs, but she's been a trooper.  Zero is still 110% Zero.  Our four baby robins under the deck will be 2 weeks old come Sunday or Monday, so it's time to start taking him outside on leash to protect them when they leave the nest.  Oh!  ...and I spotted my hummingbird.  <3

Avery just finished another round of swimming lessons.  Remind me to not spend my money on more there.  There was one kid who couldn't listen and wasted the instructor's time trying to keep him contained when it wasn't his turn.  3 more weeks of school and I will have a first grader.  We're getting a bit of summer-itis, but she has been willing to press on when I remind her time for school work is short.

After that... it's count down to cruises!  It really looks like Baltimore is on track to be opened back up in time for our sailing.  Fingers crossed.  I guess I need to book a pre-cruise hotel w/ a guarantee.