Friday, May 03, 2024

Time continues to fly.  I think it is officially safe to put the tomatoes outside, so I can get them into larger pots this weekend (I hope).  Since my last post I have put in more potatoes, beets, lettuce, turnips, white onions, onion starters, asparagus, watermelon and pumpkin, and cukes.  Some things have sprouted quickly.  Other things I have already re-seeded once and don't seem to be taking off (like my beets and lettuce).  The broccoli and cauliflower have barely grown since moving them to the larger pots.  It's already so stinking hot out I don't have high hopes for them this year either.

Avery has another playdate tomorrow, so I need to get some cleaning done this afternoon/evening.  I really need to get back with a cleaning person to keep myself caught up.

Yesterday we celebrated Barnabas' first birthday (or at least the guestimate of when he was born).  I need to get some new good pictures of our foster, Jackson for his listing.  He has become much more comfortable.  Other than not wanting to be picked up he is lovey and enjoys me rubbing his belly.  I finally got a few of his nails trimmed, but he's reluctant (but gentle when I try) to let me trim the front.  Not to be left out of the conversation is Church, who has become more needy - inserting himself between me and the keyboard even as I write this.

Saffy is doing well.  She's had a few days where you can tell it hurts a bit to come up the stairs, but she's been a trooper.  Zero is still 110% Zero.  Our four baby robins under the deck will be 2 weeks old come Sunday or Monday, so it's time to start taking him outside on leash to protect them when they leave the nest.  Oh!  ...and I spotted my hummingbird.  <3

Avery just finished another round of swimming lessons.  Remind me to not spend my money on more there.  There was one kid who couldn't listen and wasted the instructor's time trying to keep him contained when it wasn't his turn.  3 more weeks of school and I will have a first grader.  We're getting a bit of summer-itis, but she has been willing to press on when I remind her time for school work is short.

After that... it's count down to cruises!  It really looks like Baltimore is on track to be opened back up in time for our sailing.  Fingers crossed.  I guess I need to book a pre-cruise hotel w/ a guarantee.

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