Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Let's talk about the garden.  Most everything survived the crazy hot temps while I was gone.  There was one pot of potatoes that I harvested as the plant all died away, getting way less than we should have, but still more than what was seeded.  The basil tried to flower while I was gone - as did a few of the turnips... but when I pulled the turnips most of them didn't create much of a bulb.  *shrug*

I have several sweet 100 tomatoes starting to change color.  There was a single solitary snap pea ready to be plucked and others soon to follow.  Many other tomato plants launched and have gotten to a decent size with blossoms.  I finally have a decent stalk of lettuce, not much, but I could make a salad or two.  The cukes have a few started.  The wintered over cubanelle has several peppers of decent size at this point.  The other pepper plants are still relatively small and not starting to produce.

The cauliflower and broccoli is still a fail again this year.  The pumpkin seeds are flowering, but not developing.

What really grew while I was gone?  Weeds.  I filled a decent sized dog food bag full of weeds to put to the trash today.  I also dead headed my three rose bushes which were crazy blooming earlier this summer.

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