Monday, June 03, 2024

This weekend was a complete blur.  I did wrap up my day early on Friday, so I was able to get some light cleaning activities completed - I also started pulling materials to assess my readiness for upcoming vacations.

Saturday we went to a housewarming for a friend of my favorite egg - with a little bit of shopping on the way back.  Sunday we went to visit my favorite egg's parents - also with a little bit of shopping on the way there.  I also returned from their house with several tomato plants that are further along than mine are and some chives to add to my garden pots.

Trellis I ordered to provide the clingy plants (read pumpkins and cucumbers) some purchase has arrived, as has a new mailbox, so I have some work to do in the next few days.  I have fought with my mailbox since moving here.  The back access would always flop open.  I had glued it shut numerous times.  Well, now the front is flopping open.  I'm just going to replace the whole sha-bang so my mail can stay dry.

I pulled a few radishes from a pot a few days ago both to give space to other growth and, frankly, because they were plenty large.  I can't believe I harvested something before June!  I also took a pass plucking wild strawberries from the yard.  It's nice to know they are there and doing well (and there would be more if I didn't mow for a few weeks).

I continue to struggle to get lettuce, basil, and beets going right now.   Well, except for the volunteer lettuce that has decided to grow in other pots, but it isn't enough to give me full salads.

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