Sunday, September 29, 2024

Safyre Qwynn, Saf, Saffy, Roo, Safaroo-Kangerpuppy
She joined me on January 3, 2009, but we celebrate her "birthday" on the 4th.  I thought she was maybe a year when I got her, but it is so hard to tell, so I don't have an actual age for her.  From what I learned from the Huntingdon Humane Society is that she was initially in there as a stray, adopted out, and returned because "it just wasn't working out".  I can only imagine it was a family that was not experienced with a siberian.

I wasn't looking to get a third dog.  I don't know why I was looking at Petfinder the day I spotted her.  But I knew I needed to go see her.  When I went I took Danika with me.  They met briefly through a fence before joining together in a play area where they immediately romped and had a blast.  Danika needed a friend to play with (since she and Vixen didn't get along) and I had room in my world for this wild child.

I'd call her gray and white.  They named her Keesha at the shelter.  Those bright blue eyes and little dark spot above her mostly open face made me think of a diamond which led to the name Safyre.  She spent the first night in a crate - cried a little - and then from there she started sleeping with me (and continued to for quite some time).

She and I were good cuddle buddies.  I've never had a dog that would curl into your side so perfectly.  Then when I would flip to my side so did she - pressing our backs together.  We continued on this way for many years, until I decided to feng shui myself (for lack of better phrasing) into a real relationship.  If there wasn't room in my bed for someone, ya know?  But the fact is, Saffy made it okay for me to be single and sleeping alone.  She healed me a great deal.  Periodically we do still cuddle up and I enjoy it immensely.  While I was pregnant it was hard to cuddle just right and I think it frustrated her a good bit.  At one point she got kicked pretty solidly and then she stopped cuddling into my side with her head on my belly like she used to.

I know you shouldn't have a favorite child.  So let's just say she and I really got each other.  We needed and loved each other in the same way.  It didn't take long to realize that she was meant to be mine - that's why I spotted her when I wasn't even looking for another dog.

If my age guestimates are right that made her nearly 17 years old, and the oldest Siberian I've had in my family, beating Vixen by a few months.  She was a trooper, despite the aging issues she's suffered, like having an eye rupture!  In recent months she's had a hard time holding her poos and getting up from a sleeping position has gotten more difficult.  She was still doing the stairs with me behind her for reassurance and an occasional boost.

I took her to the kennel while I headed out on vacation with some concern, and I had gotten her a hamburger from Wendy's as a token of affection just in case earlier in the week - but no feeling that there was anything imminent.  The day of we noticed a spot at her hip that I thought was a hot spot, so I had sent meds to keep that in check.  Turns out it was a bed sore of some sort.  It ruptured the day after I took her to the kennel, so it was being tended to. Then she wasn't able to stand.  My favorite egg came and brought her home as to take her to get checked the next day and during that time another spot that we didn't know existed opened and was clearly causing her discomfort.

With the heaviest of heart I had to decide to let her go when I wasn't here.  Technology being a blessing I was able to video in so she could see and hear me and I could see her.  I am still so sad that I wasn't here with her and for her.  My heart is broken either way, but I didn't get to say the goodbye I wanted.  Coming home from vacation my house has a hole in it.  Zero is clearly noting her absence.  She will come home once she has been cremated.

Through the years...

  • Like I said - she was the best cuddler ever.
  • The little booger liked to dig when she got a chance, so we were constantly fighting.  I'd fill the hole and she'd open it back up.  This stopped in later years, thank goodness, but it is who she is.
  • She was quick too - one heck of a sprinter when she was young.  She would get a crazy look in her eye and then the zoomies would ensue.
  • She scared me a few times when she got away from me and ran off. My "nightmares" were dreams of her being missing or running away.
  • She was a healthy girl through the years with the exception of the eye in the past year and a steady decline as one might expect for her age.  She's had a few teeth fall out in the front, but never had broken teeth or any need for care in that regard.
  • She got on well with everyone - people, dogs, and even the cats that I brought into our home in the past few years.  Heck, I think she was more irritated about Zero joining us than Church.
  • She loved to go to the Meadows for ice cream and would jump up placing her paws on the ledge at the ordering window.
  • Saf even walked well on leash.  She wasn't perfect, but compared to other sibes she didn't pull much and walked along side me nicely.
  • There were moments when she would give me a look like my mother would.  Perhaps Mom was working through her from the great beyond.

  • I'll never know what her life was like before she came to me, but I hope she was as happy in her life with me as I was to have her.  Saffy will receive an individual cremation and will get her own container to stay with us forever.  I pray to see you at rainbow bridge Saffy.  You were a good girl and one of my very best friends ever.  I love you more than you could know and there would never have been enough time with you.  My heart is broken.

    1/4/2008 - 09/23/2024

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