Tuesday, September 03, 2024

This weekend I started trimming things back as I do leading into the fall.  4 dog food bags full of russian sage, a dead cucumber plant, brown fronds from decorative plants in the back, and dead sunflowers.  There are many more bags where that came from.

The weather has taken a cooler turn getting us into the upper 40s at night.  Hopefully the nice weather can hang on so I can get the rest of my tomatoes ripening on the vines. I also had some lettuce seed itself that is growing nicely at the moment, so I'd like to get something out of that.  I have 3 green peppers out there that could probably be plucked at any point, one very nicely sized white onion, and a good handful of snap peas.  The rest is tomatoes tomatoes tomatoes - and I'm here for it.

With the CSA baskets I've been cooking up green beans and peppers this week. I tried cooking up the cherry peppers .... dang they're hot, I just can't do it.  Hopefully neighbors are willing to give them a try tomorrow.  I also made some zucchini fritters last night that turned out quite tasty.

With the long weekend I finally got caught up on laundry and checked off a few things on the to do list.  We also hit the pool with Avery's bestie - a last minute plan that I'm grateful for.  This was my first visit to the pool this year.

Avery returns to the podiatrist on Thursday, hopefully her wart is gone, I don't want her to suffer the numbing and removal.  She did take the ear piercing like a champ -- and they remain pain free and looking healthy!

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