Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Barnabas had his first trip to the vet (under my care) today.  Can you believe he's been here for a full year?  I was worried he wouldn't be the angel that Church is at the vet since Barney tends to disappear if someone he doesn't know comes to the house.  Much like Church, he was willing to walk right into the carrier (the time using the carrier when he was a foster paid off!) and he sang the song of his people on the drive to the vet.  At the office he wasn't quite as chill, but didn't have an issue at all.

I learned he doesn't have a few of his front teeth, which is interesting. We also need to keep an eye on his weight, which doesn't overly surprise me.  So proud of my little black voids.

Saffy has been hanging in there.  Some days are better than others, that's for sure, but she's still walking the stairs on her own with me behind her.  As to not leave him out I will say that Zero is still his crazy self.  My very routine-based nature helps keep some of his insanity in check... unless it's time for dinner.

As to the garden, the tomatoes are all coming in a steady stream now.  The lantern flies are insane here.  They're here and there on the house and also sitting in piles, I can hit 4-6 in one swat of the fly swatter.  Sitting outside you periodically get hit by one that jumps onto you, it's kind of unnerving.  I've probably killed over 100 of them each warm day for weeks at this point.  Tonight I sat out back and noted some large black ants coming and going, so I'm trying to carefully put treatment out for that.  Then I saw wasps going into the brown paper I have hanging on the deck to deter the carpenter bees!

Work is busy.  Time keeps flying by on me and I'm trying to keep up.

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