Monday, July 01, 2024

This past weekend has me feeling young.  It is short lived because I cannot keep up that pace.  Saturday night we hung out with the (best ever) neighbors - the adults out back and the kids playing away.  This ended up being a pretty late evening, but we still needed to get up on Sunday for church.  This meant I 100% got a nap on Sunday afternoon.

Avery and I had Sunday evening plans near the airport so I took the opportunity to hit At Home and get my code orange Halloween fix!  Admittedly I already got a Halloween fix from Cracker Barrel this past week.  Our plans were meeting up with two friends from college; one was picking his son up at the airport and it was so good to get to sit and chat.  I can't believe how old we all are at this point.  Life flies.

I pulled 4 sweet 100 tomatoes yesterday, so Avery and I got our first taste.  Boy were they yummy!

Today I pulled 4 cucumbers (which look pretty ratchet looking - short, fat, stubby, and starting to get orangy-yellow).  I guess I left them on the vine too long, but I was hoping they would get a little longer.  I also plucked one rather large beet - the others remain too small.  I then planted a few more beet seeds and some lettuce in the bucket from the failed radishes.

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