Tuesday, December 19, 2023

I hate snow to begin with, but having my kid on the bus on the way home yesterday when weather physically slapped my house and dropped a pretty heavy dusting in 10 minutes was unnerving.  This morning we got a call from the bus driver asking us to walk down to the first intersection on the main entry road in the plan because of the roads being pretty rough.

It was a pretty slick walk.  Avery started to tumble once, but I had a hold of her and some pretty clunky boots on that held me in place.  Thank God my lungs aren't where they were 2 weeks ago or I would have died trying to walk home.  After passing the cars sliding about.  We got there in time to find the exit on the main road backed up and people turning around.  Fortunately, the salt trucks were also coming through by this point.  On the walk back I got to relay to a few high schoolers that their bus got stuck, but was on its way.

Regardless, putting your kid on that bus and telling her to sit and stay firmly in her seat w/o conveying your anxiety to her is quite the challenge.

It is only a half an hour later and the roads are clear enough now that the later buses are rolling by out front w/o an issue - thank God.

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