Monday, December 18, 2023

6 in one hand and half dozen in the other?

Saturday I got up and we headed out with a few things on our to do list.  After leaving the post office (I'm very late getting Christmas cards out) I decided I needed to add a stop to our list.  As I always do in the fall, I have needed to add air to the tires, but the rear passenger has consistently dropped faster and more each time.  On this day when the car dinged to tell me this tire had low pressure I knew I needed to get it looked at.  I took a leap of faith after searching local tire places and headed to one on our main street (Pike).  Just a little shop, several people there waiting - all of which said they trusted this place and come there when they need something with tires.  I also learned they own the repair shop across the road, so that's a good tip.  It was a bit of a wait due to first come first served, but I left having only spent $27.  Tiny screw in that tire, but in a repairable spot, so win.

From there we went and snagged more apples from the local orchard, but I scrapped the other few stops I wanted to make since I was already well into the afternoon.

Today on the other hand I had to call the vet for Church.  We noticed him in the liter box a few times just standing there.  If you recall, he's had urinary blockage before, so I am not playing around.  Fortunately, he's not blocked, but he does have a UTI, so it's medicine time in my house for the next two weeks.  We will also be shifting Barnabas to the Urinary Care food as to avoid Church sneaking kitten chow, which probably doesn't help matters.  This bill was definitely more, but still way cheaper than a blockage and emergency care.  Merry Christmas Church.

Speaking of which, my gift to myself this year is quite small and inexpensive.  Many many moons ago a friend bought me KitchenAid brand kitchen towels.  I've literally had them for 20 years and they remain quite usable.  Well, I ordered myself another set of KitchenAid towels.

On Sunday we went to see Wonka, courtesy of Grandpa Joe's Candy shop - they had hidden passes around town a few weeks ago.  It was a good time and they even had a table full of free candy at the front.

With part of my Saturday hijacked and our activities on Sunday I once again didn't get cookies made.  I did get a bit of cleaning done on Friday/Saturday, although not as much as is necessary by Christmas.  My ribs still feel like I've been beaten and I still have some coughs (although less).  My upper right back has been tightening up due to compensating for my side, so I'm still pretty gimpy.  Time to pull out the massager.

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