Sunday, December 31, 2023

Here we are again.  Another year has blurred by.

Let's take a look back at 2023:

- I got past my anxieties about traveling after so long without.  I also resolved the lack of cruising situation.  Win-win!  Avery and I took two absolutely delightful vacations, both of which included a cruise, but also a few days before relaxing in paradise. Our time in Galveston and Cocoa beach before each cruise was just as fun and therapeutic as the cruises themselves.  Sailing with a kid that heads off to Adventure Ocean definitely is different.  I didn't really know what to do with myself - but it was nice to have a chance to sit and read.

- We again had passes to the public pool this summer and Avery had a few more swimming lessons. There was a trip to Kennywood (and Avery rode the rides she was big enough for like a champ).  We didn't get out to other new adventures, but I think the vacations counted big time.

- Saffy had her moments this past year that really worried me.  It is to be expected, she's going to be 16 in a few days.  For now, she seems to be doing ok.  The poo accidents are just part of our daily routine now.  I don't love it, but it could be worse.  I'm glad she's still with us.  Zero is still crazy.  He just celebrated his 4th birthday, so I have a couple more years before I can expect him to chill out a bit.

- Church has done well this past year, although we did have a UTI late this year that scared me thinking he was blocked again.  He loves having a new brother.  Barnabas didn't stay little long.  He loves to plop on my chest in the middle of the night and purr his little heart out.  They keep each other entertained.

- We have had more foster cats come and go in 2023:  The three that were with us over last new year (Vader, Buddy, and Christian) all went to on to their forever families.  Then a few as singles that came and went (Viktor, Cupcake)... and one that came and never left (Barnabas)!  Presently we have three more from the trapping efforts this year (Summer, Pickle, and Jackson).

- Supporting the rescue I applied for a few grants.  I am proud to say that we secured a $2000 grant from one of the places I had identified.  The have more trapping to do in one location and of course the bills are constant, so it will definitely help out.  We also helped out at the mass trapping efforts with a few activities; it was an interesting learning experience.

- As noted last year, my mortgage has been stretched out and will be going well into 2024.  Honestly, if it stretches beyond this year I will be disappointed with myself -- but that does necessitate me _really_ stepping up my pace again.  This also means that I need to keep other spending in check (this statement does not apply to cruising, come at me).

- My health hasn't changed.  Take that for what it's worth.  It means I'm still way too fat.  It means I still ache here and there.  I'm not giving up on myself making a change, I just need to find that spark and it isn't something I can manufacture.  The days go by so quickly.

- The house remains neglected. The carpet desperately needs to be replaced, but it doesn't make sense with a 16 year old dog.  I wish there were things on my to do list that weren't major undertakings ($$$$) so I could make a bit of progress.  I did replace a few lights downstairs, so that's something.  I'm quite pleased with what we put in.

- The garden went well with a few exceptions. Carrots did way better than the year before.  Beets did great.  Lettuce did great, tomatoes always do pretty well.  Potatoes did decently.  We had a few peppers, but they were small and unlike last year the cubanelles were duds.  Broccoli was a huge fail.  The pumpkins were a tease.  The one notable win in that I got a lot going from seeds in the basement under a grow light - which is a first for me.

- We did spend quite a few evenings outside enjoying the nicer weather.  It's good to have the swingset, scooters, and the awesome neighbors.  Remember the years where I said I wanted to be a bit more open and friendly with neighbors?  It took some time (and the right people) but success!

- I did take a solid pass on the whole garage clearing some things out (not as much as I probably should have), reorganizing, etc.  Let's not talk about the basement.

- Work is what it is.  A bit like Groundhog's Day with numerous cycles of stress and repeating activities (weekly and monthly statuses) that highlight how quickly time is flying by.

- Let's talk about ick.  Early this year Avery got really sick - vomiting and all - for the first time since she was little.  At least now she knows what her stomach is telling her and she is able to grab the garbage can in time.  Late this year (right after Thanksgiving) I went down with chills and all (flu?) and a cough that continues to plague me.  She's been coughing even longer.  I'm ready for that to all go away.  I will say that I count myself fortunate that we did NOT get sick while on vacation.  Perhaps I need to maintain the crazy amount of preventative vitamins year round for both of us.

- Then there's the kiddo!  She graduated from Pre-K and started Kindergarten at Central Christian Academy (which was indeed my first choice) -- which she gets to ride a bus to (much to her pleasure).  We dance, spin, and laugh in the mornings out front while we wait for the bus.  She even had her first field trip (to the Children's Museum, which I never got around to doing this year, so that's a win).  She's doing well at school learning to read, doing basic math, learning more about God -- all the good things.  She doesn't fight me on doing her homework and likes to read books together.  She also enjoys catechism class, making that necessity a whole lot less painful than I expected.  She remains helpful and kind - the best thing I've ever been a part of.

- This year Avery was Wolverine for Halloween.  She still likes her superheros and cars, but has added transformers to her likes.

Here is the wish list for 2024:
- More cruises!  We do have two booked for this year, one in June and one in July.  We really need to get back to my sister's place too, but I said that last year as well.  The travel window now that we're in school is definitely narrow.

- I said it last year and I'll say it again - I need more local activities.  We didn't get to the Zoo last year or the Pittsburgh Botanical Gardens.  As she gets taller and can do more we need to get back to Kennywood again too. I really need to do what I did a few years ago - and just block a day off for each summer month that we can go do something.

- I will keep going on the mortgage - as noted before, I need to step it back up and get it gone.  Fact is next year I can start contributing to retirement with "catch up" amounts - how horrifying is that?  I'll need those extra funds there.

- We didn't start karate this year, but I'm hoping she'll have interest when she turns 7, which is the age the one school will allow her to start the one style of interest.  I am pretty sure we'll do more with swimming lessons, I want her swimming actual freestyle this year and able to swim in deep water.

- I will continue with my garden.  Spacing out lettuce worked out well this past year.  Give us all of the tomatoes - the kid will gobble them all up.  I need to get things started earlier this year - relatively soon.  We will keep going with potatoes and carrots.  I will try again with my peppers - I do wish cubanelles grew from seed.

- I hate writing this because I get disappointed in myself every year, but I have to say it and I have to feel bad about it if I miss the mark... I want to lose weight.  I also want to stretch more both to reduce the aches and pains but also to regain some of my lost range of motion.

- I also want to learn how to do something new.  Have I made my own pasta yet?  No. Have I figure out how to make a good chinese brown sauce?  No.  This might warrant a separate list.

- Another big goal is to clear things out that I don't need.  Sell it, donate it, trash it - whatever the case may be.  I need to get some things cleared out.

- We will continue to foster cats.  I want to do more to help them identify the resources they need to keep doing the work they're doing.

I hope everyone who stuck it through and read to this point had an amazing 2023.  I pray that your 2024 is blessed.

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