Sunday, August 04, 2024

Saturday was a busy one for us.  Avery met a new friend from Camp Splash at the trampoline park (we were originally going to go to the park, but we are at last getting lots of rain so we wanted to be indoors).  We also had to go to evening mass to celebrate the end of Summer Fun Week at the Church.  From there we were off for a short visit with her bestie Luke.  Having gotten church in on Saturday allowed me to sleep in a bit today.

Never underestimate the therapeutic value of clearing out your underwear and sock drawers.  I also finally pulled all of the tank tops from the one drawer.  I haven't worn one in a year... they're gone.  Kiddo also started trying on school clothes from last year to see what all still fits - most everything is still good to at least start the school year so far, at least with regard to dresses, skirts, and short, we still need to go through the tops.

As we headed downstairs today I started by emptying the toy box and the set of drawers next to them.  So many little garbage toys purged!  There is still a ton all over the floor at the moment, it's time to continue sorting and purging.

Next up I need to get cooking with some of the goodies from my Friday CSA haul.  Since we were gone the week before I got a double dose this week.  There was an obscene amount of many things, but high on my list is peppers.  I think I'm going to make some stuffed peppers - the larger peppers I'll do rice and ground beef style and the longer sweet ones I'll do with my chicken cream cheese goodness.  Guess what I'll be eating all week if I can keep moving here this afternoon and get all of that made?

I probably should be doing some general cleaning as I've been working longer days (due to the pile on my plate and running Avery to Summer Fun Week) and neglecting the routine cleaning activities.  I think I really need to get someone in here to support general/routine cleaning again.  I just can't keep up.

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